Saturday, October 31, 2020

Doc's Skeleton Story

 - A Story Told to Me by Doc Conklin -

Doc worked as a night watchman for a time at Ithaca Hospital while attending Cornell University to become a veterinarian. On his rounds of the hospital one night he discovered some cigarette butts and empty beer bottles in an uppermost attic. He immediately had concerns about someone smoking cigarettes there due to the hazard of fire.

He made a plan to find out who was doing this and how to stop the trespassers from continuing this behavior. The next night he made a hiding place for himself behind where he had found the evidence of trespassing. He quietly waited.

Two men showed up and made themselves comfortable to enjoy drinking some beer and smoking. As Doc observed this, he took hold of a skeleton stored near where he hid. It was in storage for use in classes at the hospital. Gleefully, Doc shook the skeleton hard and with enthusiasm. In his words, Doc described the two men jumping up and ran “hellbent for election.” 

According to Doc, they never came back and the problem was solved; a true example of Doc’s sense of humor and resourcefulness.

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